We, the members of the Briargate CIA Nominating Committee are soliciting people who are willing to run for the five (5) positions on the Briargate CIA Board. The current new board started in March 2024 and they have done a surprisingly good job in the short amount of time that they have had.
Some of the current board members have chosen not to run again. We need people who are willing to serve and attend meetings. We would like to have a board that represents our diverse population.
If you are interested in running for the Board, please contact the Nominating Committee by December 2, 2024 with your intention. Our email address is briargatenominations@gmail.com.
If you know someone that you think should run for the Board, please give us their name, phone number and email address so that we can contact them.
After names are submitted, we will ask for a short bio and a picture for each person. We are asking all potential nominees to be at the December 18, 2024 Briargate CIA Community monthly meeting to be introduced to the community.
If you need additional information, please contact us at the above email address or call the Briargate Clubhouse and leave us a message. A member of the Nominating Committee will contact you as soon as possible.
Sincerely, Briargate CIA Nominating Committee: Shirley McGinty, Lora Skipper, LaVerne Richardson, Dolores Collins, John Gordon
Briargate Board of Directors is setting the deadline of December 20th, 2024 as the last date you can have your name submitted for it to be on the paper ballot/proxy.