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Category Archives: Latest News
Briargate Trail
Briargate Trail is now complete for homeowners and residents to enjoy!
Homeowners and residents no longer need to leave their community for jogging, walking, or biking. The board members will be adding a dog park soon.
Tutus and Tuxes
Fundraising Gala
Saturday, May 20th, 2023
7:00 PM
Future Site of the Edison Center
7100 West Fuqua, Missouri City, TX 77489
Annual Meeting Proxy Extension
Briargate has extended the proxy deadline to February 25, 2023 to meet the Bylaws guidelines due to the lack of votes necessary to obtain a quorum.
Briargate Board of Directors
Collection and Facility Schedule for Christmas Holiday and New Year’s Day
The Solid Waste collection schedule will be modified in observance of the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. The curbside recycling schedule for Thursday, December 22nd, Friday, December 23rd, Thursday, December 29th, and Friday, December 30th will be follows:
Election Results for February 24, 2022
- Pat Jones – 253
- John Gordon – 240
- Ronnie Thomas – 232
- Francis Maddox – 211
- Cheryl Hughes – 141
- Yolanda Hargrove – 122
- Sarah Harper – 110
- Yenny Alfaro – 105
- Ernest Burr – 1
- Theresa Times – 1
- Mark Warren – 1
Reconvening of the Briargate: Annual Members Meeting
Time: February 8, 2022 at 07:00 PM Central Time
Candidates at Briargate Clubhouse, 7002 Laughlin Drive, Missouri City, Texas 77489
Via Zoom
Meeting ID: 859 6309 8559
Passcode: 421798
One-Tap Mobile: +13462487799
Annual Meeting Notice
Dear Members,
This year because of COVID safety concerns and recommended meeting size restrictions, the Briargate Community Improvement Association, like many Associations, will be holding its Annual Meeting electronically utilizing Zoom on January 29, 2022 at 10 am. This is being done in order to protect our Members’ health as many of whom who attend the meeting are elderly or otherwise at greater risk of catching the disease. Please find attached hereto, the Meeting Notice and Agenda and the Annual Proxy Ballot.
In addition to the members attending electronically or through their proxy alone, all candidates for Board Positions, members of the Board of Directors, and those serving on the election committee or as ballot counters or observers will be able to attend the meeting in person. This will enable the those in the meeting room to be no more than 20 so that the meeting can accommodate social distancing and yet also be able to conduct a fair meeting.
Voting will be conducted via the Proxy Ballot as in years past, however, those Present electronically will only be counted towards the Quorum if they have not returned their Proxy Ballot. The information for signing into the meeting is as follows:
- If joining online, please visit and enter the meeting ID & password below (the password that includes letters).
- If joining by phone, please dial the phone number provided below, and the system will prompt you to enter the meeting ID & password below (the password that is numbers only).
- There is no need to sign up for an account, Zoom allows you to join with just the meeting ID and password.
Topic: Annual Election Zoom Meeting
Time: January 29, 2022 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting Information:
Meeting ID: 861 0691 0165
Passcode: 339686
One tap mobile
Meeting ID: 861 0691 0165
Passcode: 339686
Reminder: Assessments are due January 1, 2022 and late on February 1, 2022. Please pay timely. Thank you.
As you can see, you can either call in or utilize a computer device in order to sign in via Zoom. Should you require assistance or have questions about how to sign into a Zoom meeting, please contact the Association as soon as possible at 281-437-1930. Please review the Association’s website at in case of any late changes to the meeting or notices.
Please return your Proxy Ballot to the Association at the Clubhouse located 7002 Laughlin, no later than Friday January 28 in order to ensure that it is received in time to be counted.
Again, if you have any questions, please contact the Association at 281-437-1930.
The Briargate Community Improvement Association
Reminder: Assessments are due January 1, 2022 and late on February 1, 2022. Please pay timely. Thank you.
The Annual Meeting of the Members of the Briargate Community Improvement Association is to be held on Saturday, January 29, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom. Sign-in begins at 9:30 a.m. The Agenda is as follows:
- Call to order
- Financial Report
- Announcement of Quorum
- Approval of Minutes of 2021 Annual Meeting
- Board Candidates Introductions/Nominations
- Board Election
- Homeowner Comments
- Announcement of Elections Results
- Adjournment
You are urged to complete the enclosed proxy and return it to the address shown on the proxy or deliver it in person to the clubhouse.
HOA Assessment
It is that time again to pay your HOA assessments:
Currently due: $144.00
If you would like to contribute $50.00 additional for Community Improvements
Total for both fees: $194.00
Thank you,
Briargate Board of Directors
Board Meeting – August 17, 2021
Tuesday, August 17, 2021 at 6:30 PM
Zoom: ?pwd=LzJpRmxlZ2WYitnYm9CU is0SzNuUT09
Telephone: +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 876 3119 8701
Passcode: 301894